Course curriculum

    1. Healing the inner child class 1

    2. Rescuing the Inner Wounded Child

    1. Healing The Ancestral Inner-child class 2

    2. Breaking Down Our False Identities class 2

    1. Ancestral Innerchild healing class 3mp4

    2. Integration Notes & reflections class 3

    1. Healing the Inner child class 4. mp4

    2. Ancestral Inner Child Healing Class 4

    3. Building the Ascension Coloum daily practice

    1. Ancestral Innerchild class 05

    2. Embracing Interdependence

    1. Abandoning Ancestral Fears

    2. Abandoning Ancestral Fears

About this course

  • $333.00
  • 27 lessons
  • 26.5 hours of video content
  • Healing The Wounded Child: Clear limiting core belief systems Poverty consciousness, Mother wound, Body shaming issues. Release Fear: Not feeling Safe in the body Release fear of rejection
  • Healing The Silent Child: Overcome your ancestral fears around expression Being able to voice your needs Awaken your souls expression Learning to communicate your feelings clearly Speaking your truth Stop cycles of self harm Liberate your creative expression Overcome addictions & ancestral addictive patterns
  • Healing The Divine Child: Heal issues of rejection and Abandonment Connect with your higher self Meet your guardian angels and divine support team Access your multidimensional memory Begin to channel your souls wisdom Awaken to your multidimensionality & cosmic consciousness Heal your relationship with your Inner divine parents

Awaken Your Magical Golden Child

Be Woven Back to Your cosmic Parents