Course curriculum

    1. A message from Gogo Sophia

    2. Understanding the Course word

    1. First Moon: Preparing for you Session

    2. Opening Ceremony: Activating Pyra & Maat

    3. Unpacking the Black Curse of Money

    4. The Womb Rite & Higher self Retrieval

    5. Reclaiming The Feminine First Moon

    6. Intergrating Your Session; First Moon

    7. Womb Presence meditation

    1. Pan's Labyrinth (2006) Trailer #1 Movieclips Classic Trailers

    2. Rescuing our Inner Maiden

    3. Understanding The first Grail Gate

    4. Pan's Labyrinth Full Movie Preview Warner Bros. Entertainment

    5. The Maiden: Understanding the emotional triggers & woundings of Inner child

    6. Brain Integration Treatment

    7. 01-Gate-1-Maiden

    8. Grail Gate 1 Integration

    1. Birthing From Pleasure: I am Enough

    2. Grail Gate initiation: Sex as a Sacred Act of Exchange

    3. The Clitoris: Rose Temple

    4. 01-Gate-1-Maiden

    5. 02-Gate-2-Lover

    6. 03-Gate-3-Crone

    7. Grail Gate 1 Integration

    1. Opening Sacred Space

    2. Eclipse Womb Initiation

    3. Exploring the Cervical Gateways

    1. Opening Sacred Space

    2. Crone Medicine: The Wise Woman

    3. Embracing the Mystical Woman

    4. Healing your Yoni

    5. Pussy Power

About this course

  • $777.00
  • 62 lessons
  • 62.5 hours of video content

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