Course curriculum

With Pluto coming into Aquarius, we are inspired and supported through this activation to awaken the most authentic parts of ourselves where our pure divine Dragon mother has resurrected us through creating paradise by feeding the deeply hidden and unconscious parts of ourselves that are waiting to be sung back alive.

    1. Dragon Heart Activation

    2. Dragon heart activation

About this course

  • $33.00
  • 2 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content
  • Experience a 50 minute "I AM PRESENCE" activation through the dragon pure heart of the mother. She will activate your Earth star chakra, clear your solar plexus and set you on your most authentic soul journey for 2024. In this session you have the opportunity to meet with your higherself and anchor that in your body as well as through the lay-lines of the earth accessing the support of the 5d elementals, mother earth and the Divine Source.

Ignite Your Pure Dragon Potential