Holding Sacred Space for Your Teenage Daughter
CourseHolding Sacred Space for you teenage Daughter is a live online course that I have developed to support you hold sacred space for your teenage daughters transformational experience into womanhood.
Year of The Dragon: Igniting Your Soul Essence
CourseThrough channeled healing and an energy activation you will meet the energy of the Mothers Pearl through guided shamanic journey work, breath-work and meditation. which ignites your most authentic pure ecstatic self to support you throughout 2024.
Awakening the Cosmic Heart with Lord Yeshua
Path Of The Goddess: Healing Intergenerational Wounds
CourseReceive more than 30 hours of energy transmissions, activations and channeled wisdom on healing intergenerational trauma on wealth and being supported, held and guided to resuscitate your womb as a wealth vortex.
Ancestral Healing: Healing the Inner child
CourseThrough this course, we will go back to the moment of conception, birth and childhood to invoke a new journey thats in alignment with your highest potential to transcend and overcome ancestral limitations, curses and burdens.
Holding Sacred Space for The New Earth Children
CourseLearn How to hold sacred space for your highly empathic, special new earth children from the moment of conception, gestation, birth and the primary years of their life.